The Oxford Companion to Wine
Jancis Robinson
(Oxford University Press, $65)

by Nancy Huang
those who love wine, there are plenty of guides available to
break down the process of buying, storing and tasting, as well
as give advice on the best shops, top vintages, perfect pairings
and proper methods for sipping and swirling. But for those who
border on obsession with this complex beverage, there is The
Oxford Companion to Wine. Now in its third edition, this
venerable encyclopedia of vino includes nearly 4,000 entries
on every wine-related topic imaginable.
sections covering grape varietals, appellations, famous wine
growers, oenology and the history of wine, The Oxford Companion
is a must-have for any future winemaker or sommelier, and the
perfect desk reference for serious connoisseurs. Those familiar
with the ubiquitous Wine Lover’s Companion will
find a similarly alphabetized format in this book, but with
more comprehensive features and illustrations, as well as useful
appendices such as wine production, controlled appellations
and other areas. Because of the addition of 400 new entries
covering such topics as globalization and precision viticulture,
this latest edition forgoes all matter related to brandy and
distilled wine. With more than 800 pages of material, though,
we guarantee most oenophiles won’t notice.